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Open 6 days a week! 

Tuesday-Saturday 11am-6pm

Sundays 12noon-5pm 


Holidays may effect these hours, give us a call:) 


217 Glenridge Ave

Montclair, NJ 07042

217 Glenridge Ave

Montclair, NJ 07042

Open 6 days a week! 

Tuesday-Saturday 11am-6pm

Sundays 12noon-5pm 


Holidays may effect these hours, give us a call:) 

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Cardamom Cedar & Rose Bath Bomb with Pink Himalayan Salt

The plants of this bath bomb will connect you to the tree devas, earth spirits + flower faeries.  Pink Himalayan crystal salt will cleanse the aura, heart, and body. Cedar spirit offers protection and peace, while rose is a long-revered heart salve--used to bring comfort + connection within. 

Hand-Mixed Ingredients: Baking Soda, Citric Acid, Wild-Harvested Witch Hazel, Organic Cocoa Butter, Grape Seed Oil, Essential/Fragrance Oil Blend, Pink Himalayan Crystal Salt, Dried Rose, Love & Magick. 

4 oz 

Paraben Free/Phthalate Free/Vegan

Note: Appearance of this bath bomb may change over time due to the nature of this product. Have no worries! Some discoloration could happen from natural oils.

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