Store info

Open 6 days a week! 

Tuesday-Saturday 11am-6pm

Sundays 12noon-5pm 


Holidays may effect these hours, give us a call:) 


217 Glenridge Ave

Montclair, NJ 07042

217 Glenridge Ave

Montclair, NJ 07042

Open 6 days a week! 

Tuesday-Saturday 11am-6pm

Sundays 12noon-5pm 


Holidays may effect these hours, give us a call:) 

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We were featured on the Elvis Duran z100 Morning Show for Carla Marie's WHATS TRENDING!

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Homemade products are my favorite. Dolly Moo hand makes body scrubs, oils, lip balm, feel good butters, and more! It’s such a feel-good company. The name Dolly Moo comes the grandmother of the two creators. She called them that as children. They later found out that Dolly Moo means “My Gift from God”. They created the company shortly after her passing and everything sort of fell in place. Along with this feel good story comes awesome products. They smell great and feel great. I am loving their Coconut Citrus Body Scrub. What I especially love about their scrubs is that it’s not just an exfoliator but it has a (good) oily feel to it, so it lives your skin shiny and smooth. I’ve been shaving with their Vanilla Body Oil. After exfoliating with the scrub I use the oil instead of shaving cream to get my legs summer-ready! You can use the oil all over your body too! I’ve been carrying Dolly Moo’s Healing Butter in my purse, each sent is for something different. The one I have is Mint & Eucalpytus which is great for clearing sinuses (now that spring is here!), it helps with muscle pain, and nausea (great for my very-often hangovers!). I love finding companies with a great story AND a great product and Nicci and Amy have exactly that going on!


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