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Montclair, NJ 07042

217 Glenridge Ave

Montclair, NJ 07042

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"We Are All Starstuff": Attuning to Crystals


"We Are All Starstuff": Attuning to Crystals

 I have a great affinity for crystals and often use them during healing sessions with students.

The first time I went to a Reiki Master, she placed some on my body and in each hand. At the end of our session she told me the beautiful piece of clear quartz I was holding wanted to stay with me, and that I should keep it. It was then that I first truly felt the intense power, energy, and healing qualities crystals boast. Beautiful, magnificent raw pieces of the EARTH, crystals possess the energy of our great planet and mother.

As Carl Sagan said, “we are all star stuff”; when we fully digest and hear his words interactions with crystals become very poignant, and attuning to the abilities they possess becomes easy. They are Earth, we are Earth.

I’ve made a list of some of my favorite crystals, their properties, and the capacity for healing they offer. If you choose to go buy some for yourself, allow them to call to you–you’ll know which one to pick! The type of crystal that reverberates with you may not be on my list, but those are the ones to befriend!

 It’s vital that you charge and clean your crystals of old energies. The only crystal that does not pick up or store negative energy is citrine. To re-charge your crystals place them outside, preferably a night under a full moon, the warmth of the sun is extremely cleansing as well, and a sage smudging always does the trick as well!  


Clear Quartz-Known as the “master healer” this crystal cleanses the soul. It will accept any unnecessary, stagnant, or negative energies you may be holding onto; because of this it is extra important to be diligent about re-charging it. If you are trying to clear the cobwebs or release long held sadness or anger, clear quartz is a wonderful choice. My clear quartz is the crystal my reiki master gifted to me, and it still brings me great comfort. I hold onto this guy when I am cloudy and feeling dark; my clear quartz always generously and graciously accepts my negative energy and it always helps me immensely.

**Sahasrara (crown) Chakra

Rose Quartz- Rose quartz is the stone of universal love; it works to replace negativity with the gentle forces of peace and harmony. Rose quartz brings about deep emotional purification, and helps release any long rooted negative energies that hinder happiness, peace, and grace. This stone encourages us to be love and is very useful when trying to cultivate compassion and rid yourself of unproductive anger. Sometimes I just have to hold onto my rose quartz or place it on my heart and I think it’s always a good idea to have a nice chunk of this rock in your home. Also a beautiful and considerate present for an expectant mother because it will protect the health of her and her baby.  ps! DollyMoo just so happens to make a beautiful aloe toner charged with rose quartz!

**Anahata (heart) Chakra

Rainbow Moonstone-Moonstone is absolutely vital in my life. I’m not sure where I found the moonstone ring I have worn for at least 10 years, it just seems it appeared on my finger one day and never left, but I am sure that I always feel safer and more capable when I have it on. Moonstone is especially important to me because of its great sacred feminine energy; it is the stone of Diana the Moon Goddess and I highly recommend all women wear this rock as much as possible, if not everyday. Connecting to the goddess through scent can also be very powerful.  When I need to remember my divinity I always reach for my egyptian musk. Rainbow moonstone, which reflects its owner and is the most personal of those listed, brings good fortune in love and business and promotes intution and inspiration. It’s excellent for meditation because it helps us to know ourselves, aiding in discerning our wants from our needs and is a great catalyst for growth, emotional strength and empowerment. If you suffer from sleepless nights, moonstone is a comforting crystal to place under your pillow as it will grant you deep rest. 

**Svadhisthana (water) Chakra

Blue Aragonite- This is absolutely one of the most healing stones I have ever encountered. Just looking at it brings a sense of cooling calm; its color vibrant and comforting all at the same time. Blue aragonite opens both the heart and throat chakras helping us to to express ourselves clearly and kindly, and to hear, interpret and communicate with our divinity and spirituality. Bringing forth compassion in thought and speech, it alleviates wounding caused by emotional abuse. Blue aragonite is also great for pranayama, because it stimulates the lungs. I’m obsessed with my blue aragonite, and hold it very dear. It is another stone I often find I want to rest on my heart. 

**Visuddha(throat)/Anahata/Sahasrara Chakras*

Black Tourmeline-I have a special affinity for black tourmaline because my yogi sister created the most beautiful chakra necklace for me, and at the bottom, heavy- protecting- throbbing with magnetic Earth energy- is a chunk of beautiful black tourmaline. Before she had sent me my necklace I hadn’t come in contact with this amazing piece of what feels like pure center of the earth, upon receiving my necklace I asked her “what is this stone?!” that feels so energetically dense and pure at the same time. Black tourmaline repels negativity and dark energies, and is also a great stone for extra sensitive people to carry. Attuning with tourmaline will help you better understand others and yourself, enhance your self-confidence and energy, and diminish your fears. Black tourmaline attracts inspiration, compassion, tolerance and prosperity and releases tension while removing blockages. Carrying tourmaline yields grounding, serenity, understanding, objectivity, compassion and happiness. It is an extraordinarily powerful stone, and I highly recommend getting to know a piece and keeping some in your home.  Here too, we can use scent as a form of healing and connection, and when I need to remember my roots sandalwood (especially on the low back, heels and ankles) is a great friend

**Muladhara (root) Chakra

I hope you’ll take the time to explore crystals and all they can offer you. Although at first it may seem a bit esoteric, remember that they are made from the same materials we are. These easily accessible, breathtakingly dazzling pieces of Earth, of portable planet, can attune to your body in ways many other aspects of this world can not, acting as a catalyst for great healing and the creation of space for joy, peace, love, comfort, stability, and harmony. They are a transcendent and gorgeous phenomenon that remind us of the mystery, complexity, and swirling beauty that exists in our universe and that is of our Mother Earth.

“We are all star stuff”.

For information on private crystal healing & rejuvenation click here or email Diana at

if you'd like to join diana for her self-love celebration: a yoga workshop click here! ring in the new year right in NYC or NJ, details here.

om shanti + blessed be!

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