22 May, 2020
New Moon Tarot Pull!
22 May, 2020

It's that time again! The revitalizing new moon is here! What goals would you like to achieve over the coming weeks? Write down all of your wishes, dreams, and desires. Manifest your new reality by reading your list aloud while visualizing them in the present moment. Speaking these words will help your invocation feel more real and attainable. You can do this every day until the full moon, as your intentions will flourish with the moon's expanding light. Make this sacred time unique in your own way, draw a cleansing bath, stand outside beneath the night sky, light candles, listen to something inspirational, whatever resonates with your spirit.
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keeping going
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here are the cards...

1. Page Of Cups
You are entering a highly intuitive season of life. This chapter will be filled with confidence, happiness, and general contentment. With your newfound insight, this is an opportune time to start a new connection. Romantic, friendly, career, or otherwise. An important message or arrival is coming your way; potentially someone you've never met before. This is a promising start.
You are entering a highly intuitive season of life. This chapter will be filled with confidence, happiness, and general contentment. With your newfound insight, this is an opportune time to start a new connection. Romantic, friendly, career, or otherwise. An important message or arrival is coming your way; potentially someone you've never met before. This is a promising start.

A wonderfully lucky card of emotional connection. At this time a union based in harmony is being highlighted. This can foretell the meeting of a soulmate, which can arrive in the form of a deepened friendship, working partnership, or marriage. Whichever bond takes place, it is productive, brimming with affection and affinity for one another. There is a profound commitment between you, so very beautiful and positive. Mutual understanding, balance, and pleasure are yours.

3. King Of Swords
You can see clearly now. You can think clearly. Your mind is as quick and sharp as the King's sword. Logical, clever, and quick-witted, you are able to use reasoning in all scenarios. This is a good time to stay neutral when passing judgment. Stay wise and just in all matters. It is better to absorb all information before proceeding, this way you can give honest, unbiased advice, and follow it yourself. A role of leadership may be in your near future, so perfecting the ability to remain detached and fair-minded will greatly benefit you.