17 Sep, 2020
New Moon Tarot Pull!
17 Sep, 2020

Welcome the September, New Moon! Subtle autumnal changes are taking place all around us. Leaves are starting to show new hues, squirrels carrying acorns, and we are finally reaching for that sweater in the morning. This blissful shift of energy into an enchanted season is evident far and wide. There’s a special joy in the coming of autumn that cannot be replicated any other time of the year. Its significance is different for each of us. Maybe the sacredness is in its fleeting nature. We know that if we blink too quickly, we’ll miss it. So take an extra moment today to make a Fall bucket list and hang it somewhere you will see it every day. The blessing of the new moons spirit is that it’s an ideal time to lay foundation for the coming months. Watch your dreams glow with the light of the moon.

Don’t worry! This card is only metaphorical. Something must come to an end when the death card presents itself. Each phase we go through serves it’s purpose and readies us to move onto the next. Transformation isn’t always easy, but it’s always a blessing in disguise. Think of a caterpillar's evolution into a butterfly. A new life is promised once you release the old one.

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Don’t worry! This card is only metaphorical. Something must come to an end when the death card presents itself. Each phase we go through serves it’s purpose and readies us to move onto the next. Transformation isn’t always easy, but it’s always a blessing in disguise. Think of a caterpillar's evolution into a butterfly. A new life is promised once you release the old one.

The Hierophant reveals itself to you when you are on a search for truth. On this quest you may find yourself seeking advice from multiple sources, looking for a teacher. While listening to various successful and wise educators will fare you well, don’t overlook the value of spiritual guidance. Keep a hold on your moral courage by doing what you know is right. The best teachers let you find the answers within yourself.

This card comes to you during a time of growth and steady progress. You’ve been developing proficiency with your skillset, and you are radiating confidence. All of your hard work and dedication to your craft has increased your value. The right people can’t help but notice you. Success is imminent; you will be rewarded shortly.
Songs To Set The Moon Mood:
Weird Fishes/Arpeggi by Radiohead
Lay Your Cards Out by POLIÇA
Moo For The Moon:
New Moon Bath
The Hierophant reveals itself to you when you are on a search for truth. On this quest you may find yourself seeking advice from multiple sources, looking for a teacher. While listening to various successful and wise educators will fare you well, don’t overlook the value of spiritual guidance. Keep a hold on your moral courage by doing what you know is right. The best teachers let you find the answers within yourself.

This card comes to you during a time of growth and steady progress. You’ve been developing proficiency with your skillset, and you are radiating confidence. All of your hard work and dedication to your craft has increased your value. The right people can’t help but notice you. Success is imminent; you will be rewarded shortly.
Songs To Set The Moon Mood:
Weird Fishes/Arpeggi by Radiohead
Lay Your Cards Out by POLIÇA
Moo For The Moon:
New Moon Bath
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